The Language of Politics | Rohan Laljani | TEDxCentennialHigh TEDx Talks 9:52 7 years ago 827 Далее Скачать
Trouble With Democracy: The Elusive Language of Politics TVO Today 1:36 10 years ago 414 Далее Скачать
Changing Language Changes Politics | Karen Sun | TEDxPhillipsAcademyAndover TEDx Talks 9:53 5 years ago 2 417 Далее Скачать
What exactly is a President allowed and not allowed to say about politics? | The Tonight Show Virgin Media News 3:06 2 years ago 184 Далее Скачать
Arnold Kling on the Three Languages of Politics, Revisited 4/6/20 EconTalk 1:03:35 4 years ago 252 Далее Скачать
How Language Is Used to eive You: Politics, Business, World Events, Sports, and Law (19 Dede Oltman 1:06:57 6 years ago 3 Далее Скачать
Thought Police & the Politics of Language: Education & Popular Culture (1994) Azat Yolcu 56:29 8 years ago 4 Далее Скачать
KICK STARTER: Assessing the growing use of religious language in politics NTVUganda 35:19 Streamed 5 years ago 1 414 Далее Скачать
All Things Policy Ep. 780: Forked Tongues: The Language of Politics IVM Podcasts 32:41 2 years ago 27 Далее Скачать